
Services / Mobile app / WorkFlow


Manufacturing | 2023

WorkFlow is a web application designed to streamline factory operations. Targeted at workers, supervisors, and managers, WorkFlow optimizes day-to-day activities, enhancing efficiency and productivity in manufacturing environments.

Services / Mobile app / WorkFlow


Manufacturing | 2023

WorkFlow is a web application designed to streamline factory operations. Targeted at workers, supervisors, and managers, WorkFlow optimizes day-to-day activities, enhancing efficiency and productivity in manufacturing environments.


The objective was to develop an intuitive, all-encompassing tool that simplifies factory operations management, addressing the unique needs of different factory roles. WorkFlow seeks to increase productivity, reduce errors, and ensure a smooth flow of information among all levels of factory staff.



We conducted in-depth research, including interviews and field observations in various factories to understand the challenges in operations management.

Product benchmarking

We analyzed existing factory management tools to identify their strengths and shortcomings, shaping our approach to developing a more efficient solution.

Understanding personas

By crafting clear persons and understanding their needs, our design concept focused on user-friendliness, with an emphasis on clear interfaces and easy navigation to cater to a diverse user base.

Research Finding

Digitalization in factories enhances workflow efficiency by 40%, resulting in faster project completion.

Visual design

The visual design was crafted to be intuitive, with a clear hierarchy and visual cues to guide users effortlessly through tasks and processes.

Key features

Resource planning

Enables effective allocation and tracking of resources, ensuring optimal utilization.

Production visibility

Provides real-time visibility into the production process, allowing for timely interventions and adjustments.

Creating processes

Facilitates the design and implementation of standardized processes for consistency and efficiency.

Schedule management

Streamlines scheduling, ensuring seamless coordination of tasks and deadlines across different roles.


Successful projects

Let’s talk about your next project

Ideas excite us, and we would love to get cracking with it.