
Services / Mobile app & Web app / Toto


WearTech | 2021

The Toto smart watch reimagines the everyday kids smart watch into a playful, safe, and educational companion for children. By integrating advanced functionalities with an intuitive interface, this smartwatch becomes an essential tool for both parents and children, enhancing daily interactions and safety.


WearTech | 2021

The Toto smart watch reimagines the everyday kids smart watch into a playful, safe, and educational companion for children. By integrating advanced functionalities with an intuitive interface, this smartwatch becomes an essential tool for both parents and children, enhancing daily interactions and safety.


Our main goal is to craft an engaging and user-friendly smartwatch experience tailored for children, offering features that cater to their curiosity and need for safety. We aim to balance fun with functionality, ensuring the watch is a reliable tool for parents to connect with and monitor their children.


Design research

Understanding the needs, we studied other smartwatches available in the market. We identified best practices specific to the features we had to incorporate, and apply our learnings into the design execution.

Information Architecture

Client speak

The design finesse and functionality have significantly enhanced user engagement, making it easier for engineers to access our courses and resources. We couldn’t be more thrilled with the results.

Asma Shaikh

iStep Technology


We created basic layouts to determine the structure of the smartwatch interface. This step was crucial in establishing a clear and navigable user flow.

Visual design

The visual design phase brought the interface to life with playful animations, engaging graphics, and a vibrant color palette, making the smartwatch both visually appealing and functional for young users.

Colour palette




Screen Flows

Design components

We identified, and developed design components with a focus on vivid colors, simple icons, and large buttons, ensuring they are appealing and easily operable by children.

Design components

We identified, and developed design components with a focus on vivid colors, simple icons, and large buttons, ensuring they are appealing and easily operable by children.



Kids feel more independent since they have the freedom to explore while still being connected to their parents.


Key features

Buddy connect

This feature enables children to easily connect with pre-approved friends and family, fostering social development and offering peace of mind for parents.

Real-time weather

An interactive weather feature provides simple, fun, and educational weather updates, encouraging children’s curiosity about their environment.

Video calling & audio notes

With secure video calling, children can visually communicate with their family, making them feel connected and secure, even when apart. Audio notes enable kids to record and share their thoughts or reminders, fostering creativity and organizational skills.

Music player

The music player offers a curated selection of child-friendly songs, fostering a love for music and aiding in cognitive development.

Activity tracker

Various activities such as step counter, Tasks, running, cycling, jump count etc. motivates children to be more active as they can see their progress and set goals.


Successful projects

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Ideas excite us, and we would love to get cracking with it.